Tips for a fear of flying (aerophobia)
Although you may not completely cure your own fear, by reading this, you should be able to travel more comfortably. No one is born with a fear of flying, or aerophobia, therefore the fear is ‘learned behaviour’.

How to overcome your bad mood
We hope this helps to subside your next bad mood spell. Don’t fight it. Fighting a bad mood is like splashing around in water when you can’t swim, it will only make things worse.

Faking it until you make it
Can you really fake it, until you make it? Yes you can, and the moment will entirely take you by surprise and you never know exactly when it will happen.

Are panic attacks & low blood sugar related?
“Is this a panic attack?” you ask yourself. After all, if you’ve experienced anxiety before then you know these uncomfortable sensations. You know what a racing heart and a woozy head usually signify. However, could potentially something else be amiss? Quite possibly!

Confidence on returning to work
Many parents and carers are now starting to consider returning to the world of employment. It is evident from the steady flow of emails that we start to receive at this time of year, parents and carers wishing to resume employment start to question their ability after such a long break.

10 ways to be a better partner
If all (or the vast majority of) the effort is going one way, then there is no relationship. Both partners have needs and desires that need to be met in order for a relationship to function smoothly.

Are you a couch potato?
Is it okay to be a couch potato provided you still exercise? If you spend most of your day sitting, then lounging on the sofa all evening, can exercise make up for it? According to new Australian research, the answer, sadly is “not really”.

Blueberries are a miracle food
You’ll never eat cereal on its own again when you realize what blueberries do for your brain. Blueberries improve memory and learning and delay age-related cognitive decline, like that seen with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. They’re delicious, too!

Life is all about perspective
Someone who really inspires us is Nick Vujicic. If you don’t know who he is, well, he’s a man with no arms and no legs. Although he has this huge disability, he still lives his life to the fullest.

The supposed end of the world
When the numbers became outrageous, we started to tweet messages to alleviate the fear of the world! As a result, we gained followers from Indonesia, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Russia, Canada, China and many other countries around the world.

How can stress affect you?
When you’re stressed, you’re constantly looking for any source of comfort or familiarity. Junk food is an easily accessible source of comfort, which typically leads to extreme overeating in response to a stressful event.

Smiling benefits your health & life
Have you ever noticed that a smiling person can brighten up a room, change the overall mood of a group of people, lower tension and even avert the escalation of conflict?

Dangers of a lack of sleep
As reported in the Daily Mail, a recent study’s results confirmed the importance of a good night’s sleep, linking a lack of sleep with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and MS. So do you ever feel like you’ve been hit on the head after a bad night’s sleep?

Phobias - what are they, and are they common?
Phobia – From the Greek: Phóbos, meaning “fear” or “morbid fear”. Phobias: a persistent (and often irrational) fear of an object or situation.

Filter out distractions and improve your memory
Feeling scatterbrained? If you’re having difficulty focusing on a good book, the nightly news, or even your spouse because the kids, pets, phone, TV, flashing e-mail, and more are driving you to distraction, don’t blame the interruptions.

6 ways pets relieve depression
It is unusual that a week goes by where we do not hear tales of how pets become angels in times of terrifying darkness. Indeed, a substantial body of research indicates that pets improve our mental health. How?

7 ways rich people think
Everyone wants to get rich, from the old to the young. The real reason why most people aren’t and a few are, is due to the way one thinks. Thought and outlook play a major role in living an abundant lifestyle. Everyone knows it’s never a smooth ride, but are you really ready for the rollercoaster?

6 common causes of forgetfulness
Memory slips are aggravating, frustrating, and sometimes worrisome. When they happen more than they should, they can trigger fears of looming dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease. But there are also many mundane, and treatable causes of forgetfulness.

Why eat dirty, when you can eat clean?
Although several studies have shown that moderate amounts of alcohol (1 drink per day for women, 2 for men) can have some health benefits—raising “good” HDL cholesterol, “thinning the blood” (preventing clots that can cause heart attack and stroke) and possibly warding off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, there are some good reasons to make sure that your alcohol consumption stays moderate.

Regularly eaten disgusting food ingredients
According to an article published in the International Journal of Toxicology, castoreum has been used extensively in cosmetics, especially in perfumes, and has been added to food and beverages as a natural flavouring agent for at least 70 years. Castoreum is generally recognized as safe by the FDA, FEMA and other regulatory bodies, and is especially useful as an ingredient in raspberry & vanilla flavoured foods. You may find it in ice creams, candies, syrups, pastries, and cigarettes.